Million Meals in March

Help Us Collect 1 Million Meals!

Million Meals in March

When: March 1-31
Where: Anywhere You Are!

During March, Utah Food Bank’s goal is to gather enough donations to provide 1 million meals to help the 1 in 7 Utah children who might be going to bed hungry tonight. As the abundance of holiday season donations start to dwindle, our 216 partner agencies across the state need to stock their shelves in preparation for the critical summer months when kids lose access to school meals.

Our Virtual Food Drive is the most convenient way to give because you can fill a virtual shopping cart with the items we need most, all without the hassle of having to visit a store. Plus, you can take advantage of our ability to stretch each $1 donated into $8.71 worth of goods and services, so every donation truly has an impact.

It’s easy to use, plus it’s the greenest and most efficient of all food drives. Whether you sign up as an individual, create some healthy competition within your organization, or even simply donate, together we can give 1 Million Meals in March!

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Food Drives Can Save Lives.

See how your donation transforms the lives of Utahns facing hunger.