Our Holiday Food & Fund Drive officially ends today, and we want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for the outpouring of support we received! The holiday season is a hectic time – there’s a flurry of things to do and a lot of things tugging for your attention. So thank you for making Fighting Hunger Statewide a part of your holiday to-do list!
Your generous gifts of food, time, and money helped stock the shelves of Utah Food Bank and emergency food pantries statewide through the holidays and into the spring months. While many will continue to struggle to make ends meet for a long time to come, the pantries and stomachs of families across Utah are fuller because of your generosity. We could not have done it without our sponsors, so an extra special thanks goes to 107.3/94.9 New Country 12 in a Row, Chevron Refinery, Harmons, Riverton Chevrolet, and Wells Fargo.