Utahns over 65 are a vulnerable population when it comes to the dangers of COVID-19, but many already faced the vulnerability of food insecurity. May is Older Americans Month, and while the month is nearly over, the unique difficulties that can come with aging are not. The number of food-insecure seniors will only expand as […]
Category: Uncategorized
New Projections Show Food Insecurity Among Utahns Will Increase Sharply

Since the Coronavirus pandemic started creating such drastic economic fallout, we have watched the need for food assistance significantly increase. Before the crisis began, 374,000 Utahns, and 1 in 7 Utah children, were unsure where their next meal would come from. Between business closings, lengthy school closings and a surge in unemployment filings, it is […]
Mobile Pantries, Bringing Food and Hope

Mobile Pantries have been a vital part of Fighting Hunger Statewide for a long time, with mobile pantries set up across the state that distribute food on a regular basis. They have historically provided support to Utahns living in areas that are classified as food deserts or are inaccessible or underserved by traditional food pantries. […]
Unprecedented Need, Unprecedented Support

It seems like everywhere you look there is an unprecedented amount of need due to the fallout from COVID-19. Job loss and school closings have led to a dramatic increase in food insecurity for many in the world, and that is certainly true here in Utah. We are adding Mobile Pantries across the state, modifying […]
Utah Food Bank’s Response to Last Week’s Harmful Product Distribution

On Friday, April 3, it was brought to our attention that a commercial food donation contained Medicated Nerds Rope Candy infused with THC, which was passed through to a partner agency in Roy for distribution to clients. These packages look exactly like regular Nerds Rope packages, so it is almost impossible to detect the difference […]
Silicon Slopes Tech Conference Volunteer Opportunity!

Utah’s tech industry is booming, but 1 in 8 Utahns aren’t getting their most basic needs met – one of those being food. Silicon Slopes Serves is rallying Utah’s tech companies, and the larger community as a whole, to pack 1 million meals for Utah Food Bank at the Silicon Slopes Tech Summit on January […]
Real Face of Hunger: Debi’s Story

Debi worked her whole life, and was making great money while managing multi-family housing, when her world crashed. She used to be quite an athlete on top of it, participating on local roller derby teams. She was loving life, until at age 42, she went to roller derby practice and her legs just wouldn’t move. […]
End of Year Match

Double your impact by giving an end-of-year gift to Utah Food Bank! Each online donation made between December 28-31 will be doubled up to $50,000, thanks to a matching grant made possible by generous friends of Utah Food Bank. Every gift to help us support families struggling with hunger will be DOUBLED. With your doubled […]
A Real Look at Hunger

374,000 Utahns do not have enough to eat. 1 in 7 Utah children is at risk of missing a meal. These statistics are startling, but for some of us, it may be hard to understand what it really looks like to be food insecure. One of our clients graciously shared what it’s like to be […]
Too Many Utah Seniors Struggle with Hunger

Nearly 5.5 million seniors in the United States and 12% of Utah seniors struggle with hunger. Since 2001, hunger among seniors has increased by 45%. This number is expected to grow to more than 8 million by 2050. Just like children, seniors require proper nutrition to stay healthy and strong. Not having enough nutritious food […]