The Stories Behind the Statistics

At Utah Food Bank, we love numbers! Statistics keep us focused. They remind us that 1 in 7 Utah children don’t know where their next meal is coming from. That 374,000 fellow Utahns face insecurity. Numbers help us know we’re on the right track. ( We loved sharing that we delivered 14.4 million pounds of […]

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Fighting Hunger Among Senior Utahns

Utahns over 65 are a vulnerable population when it comes to the dangers of COVID-19, but many already faced the vulnerability of food insecurity. May is Older Americans Month, and while the month is nearly over, the unique difficulties that can come with aging are not. The number of food-insecure seniors will only expand as […]

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Mobile Pantries, Bringing Food and Hope

Mobile Pantries have been a vital part of Fighting Hunger Statewide for a long time, with mobile pantries set up across the state that distribute food on a regular basis. They have historically provided support to Utahns living in areas that are classified as food deserts or are inaccessible or underserved by traditional food pantries. […]

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COVID-19 Donation Match

Your gift to Utah Food Bank can go twice as far!  COVID-19 is causing economic fallout across the world and the state. With so many out of work due to closures, food insecurity is increasing exponentially, even amongst Utahns who have never needed our help before.  We’ve almost doubled the number of clients we serve […]

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Utah Food Bank Closing to External Volunteers

As of Monday, April 6, Utah Food Bank will not be accepting volunteers at their Salt Lake City warehouse. Utah Food Bank has made this decision to ensure the safety of its staff and volunteers, along with upholding the highest standards for food safety and handling procedures.   This change will allow Utah Food Bank […]

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Help us Collect 1 Million Meals in March!

During March, Utah Food Bank’s goal is to gather enough donations to provide 1 million meals to help the 1 in 7 Utah children who might be going to bed hungry tonight. As the abundance of holiday season donations start to dwindle, our 182 partner agencies across the state need to stock their shelves in […]

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Record-Breaking Donation From Light The World Giving Machines!

One of the most innovative ways to give back during the holidays has resulted in a donation of $352,274, which will help Utah Food Bank provide the equivalent of 1.3 million meals for the 374,000 Utahns who face hunger.  This is one of the largest single donations Utah Food Bank has ever received resulting from […]

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College Football Season Culminates with 40,000 Pound Protein Donation!

The 2019 college football season culminated with a donation of more than 40,000 pounds of protein by Smithfield Foods, Inc. and the Utah Pork Producers Association to  Utah Food Bank in partnership with Utah State University, Brigham Young University (BYU) and the Fredette Family Foundation. The donation, equivalent to more than 160,000 servings of protein, […]

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Real Face of Hunger: Debi’s Story

Debi worked her whole life, and was making great money while managing multi-family housing, when her world crashed. She used to be quite an athlete on top of it, participating on local roller derby teams. She was loving life, until at age 42, she went to roller derby practice and her legs just wouldn’t move. […]

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End of Year Match

Double your impact by giving an end-of-year gift to Utah Food Bank! Each online donation made between December 28-31 will be doubled up to $50,000, thanks to a matching grant made possible by generous friends of Utah Food Bank. Every gift to help us support families struggling with hunger will be DOUBLED. With your doubled […]

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